WebinarJam and EverWebinar User Documentation Webinars for everyone!

One-click registration link

This article is for WebinarJam and EverWebinar. 

One-Click Registration

One-click registration allows people to click a link to sign up for a webinar if they are already on your mailing list.

The benefits of using one-click registration include:

  • Reduced sign-up friction, making it more likely that people will register.
  • Integration with your autoresponder, so you can apply tags or fire automation based on the link click.
  • Ability to bypass the registration page, register a subscriber to the webinar in the background, and forward the user straight to the Thank You page to get an access link for the event.

Take Note

  • An API key is required to use one-click registration. If you are not already approved to use the API, apply for a key.
    • Access to the API is not available for trial accounts. To access an API key, upgrade to a paid plan if needed.
  • The configured one-click registration link must be sent in an email from your autoresponder to contacts that already exist in the autoresponder. The registration will not work in any other context.
  • One-click registration can not be used for EverWebinar Just-in-Time or Instant Replay. On-demand session types do not have a session ID for use in the URL parameters.
  • This article refers to shortcodes, dynamic variables, and merge fields. These all refer to the same thing: a piece of code from your autoresponder that is dynamically replaced by an email subscriber’s unique information.
IMPORTANT: To maintain compliance with anti-spam regulations, one-click registration may only be used with well-reputed autoreponders using the method described in this article. Any other use or abuse of the link is forbidden and may result in the termination of your account.

Get the One-click Registration Link

In Webinars, find the webinar you want a registration link for:

  1. Click Advanced above the event module, then One-click registration
  2. Copy the registration URL into a separate window where it can be edited
    • A plain text editor is recommended to avoid any unwanted formatting

Notice that some information is URL-encoded: %40 in place of ‘@’ and %2B in place of ‘+’.

Advanced menu dialogue with the one-click registration link

One-Click URL Parameters

The one-click registration link uses URL parameters to capture a subscriber’s information and register them for your webinar.

Your default one-click link will look similar to this:

Example of one-click registration parameters

The URL is made up of two parts:

  • Base URL: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/1click/8/UNIQUE
  • Parameters: ?first_name=First&last_name=Last&email=YOU%40YOUREMAIL.com […]

The parameters portion of the URL begins with ? and individual parameters are separated by &.

Parameters Default (Replace) Description
first_name * First Dynamic variable from your autoresponder that will populate the first name of a subscribed lead.
last_name Last Dynamic variable from your autoresponder that will populate the last name of a subscribed lead.
email * YOU%40YOUREMAIL.com Dynamic variable from your autoresponder that will populate the email address of a subscribed lead.
phone_country_code %2B1 Dynamic variable from your autoresponder that will populate the phone country code of a subscribed lead.
phone_number 1234567890 Dynamic variable from your autoresponder that will populate the phone number of a subscribed lead.
timezone GMT-7 Dynamic variable from your autoresponder that will populate the timezone of a subscribed lead. The timezone parameter is only required for EverWebinar events configured to take place “under the user’s own time zone”. If that is how you’ve configured your webinar, you must enter the time zone in GMT terms (example: GMT-7, GMT+7, GMT-2, etc).
schedule_id * 1 The schedule_id is the Session number for the webinar session. Get the schedule ID from the Schedules > Webinar schedule step of the webinar configuration wizard.**

* Required fields

** EverWebinar Just-in-Time and Instant Replay sessions do not have session IDs. One-click registration cannot be used for these event types.

Configure the One-Click Link

Important: Registration fields that are required in your webinar settings must have a matching parameter in the one-click registration link in order for the attendee’s information to populate correctly. Parameters for information that is not required for registration can be removed from the URL.

Using the table provided in this article, identify the parameters that represent information you want to collect for registration to your webinar.

  • Remove any parameters you do not need.
  • Replace the default value of each remaining parameter with a shortcode or variable from your autoresponder that matches the type of information the parameter calls for.
    • The terminology for this type of code varies depending on the autoresponder you use. This type of field is typically found in email editors or builders and may be called something like: shortcode, variable, merge field, merge tags, etc.

Modification rules:

  • The section of parameters that follows the base URL must begin with the ? character. DO NOT remove the ?.
  • Individual parameters must be separated by a single & character. After modifying the link, double check to make sure every parameter is separated by a & and there a no doubles left by mistake: &&

Modified URL Examples

Examples shown using Kartra dynamic variables as the value for each parameter. Replace the defaults with the correct format from your own autoresponder.

First name and email address only:

  • https://event.webinarjam.com/register/1click/16/74qn4cw?first_name={first_name}&email={email_address}&schedule_id=1

First name, email address, and phone number only:

  • https://event.webinarjam.com/register/1click/16/74qn4cw?first_name={first_name}&email={email_address}&phone_country_code={phone_country_code}&phone_number={phone}&schedule_id=1

Get the Schedule ID

The schedule_id parameter is the Session number for each webinar session. Get the schedule ID from the Schedules > Webinar schedule step of the webinar configuration wizard.

Session numbers are the schedule ID number

In the example above, if your one-click link includes “schedule_id=2”, then the user will be registered for the webinar scheduled for 2024-07-19 at 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada).

Important: If your schedule is configured as a series of events (multiple sessions or recurring series of sessions), the end user will be registered for all webinars in the series.


Autoresponder Field Variables

Use the following reference as a guide to common autoresponder shortcodes and field variables.

Important: Always check your autoresponder for your specific shortcodes. This guide is provided as a courtesy only and may not match the current features offered by your autoresponder.

Active Campaign

  • first_name=%FIRSTNAME%
  • last_name=%LASTNAME%
  • email=%EMAIL%

Learn more about personalization tags from Active Campaign: Personalization Tags


  • first_name={first_name}
  • last_name={last_name}
  • email={email_address}
  • phone_country_code={phone_country_code}
  • phone_number={phone}


  • first_name={!name} or firstname={!firstname}
  • last_name={!lastname}
  • email={!email}

Learn more about variables from AWeber: What can I personalize in my messages?


  • first_name=#FIRST#
  • last_name=#LAST#
  • email=#EMAIL#
  • phone_number=#PHONE#

Learn more about merge tags from ClickFunnels: Email Merge Tags For ClickFunnels Emails


  • first_name=[[name]] or firstname=[[firstname]]
  • last_name=[[lastname]]
  • email=[[email]]

Learn more about personalization from GetResponse: How to personalize my emails?


  • first_name=[fname]
  • last_name=[lname]
  • email=[email]

Learn more about merge fields from iContact: Merge Fields – Inserting Standard and Custom Field Data Into Messages

InfusionSoft / Keap

Make sure to follow the InfusionSoft Instructions on MergeFields. You should see:

  • first_name=~Contact.FirstName~
  • email=~Contact.Email~

Learn more about merge fields from Keap: Merge Field Defaults Explained


  • first_name=*|FNAME|*
  • last_name=*|LNAME|*
  • email=*|EMAIL|*

Learn more about merge tags from MailChimp: All the Merge Tags Cheat Sheet


  • first_name=[firstname]
  • email=[email]

Learn more about merge fields from Ontraport: Set up and use merge fields

Apply for an API key

In order to integrate with our API, you will first need to apply for approval in your Profile section.  In the below screenshot please fill out the following information:

  1.  The URL of your app.  This will be either the URL of the software you’re writing to use our API, or the URL of a third-party app that uses our API, like Zapier.
  2.  A description of what your app will do with the WebinarJam API.
  3.  Whether or not your app will subscribe users to your webinars.
  4.  Any notes pertaining to your app.  This can include login credentials to a demo account or any other information that may be useful.

You should receive a response within 48 hours from submission.

Register a person to a specific webinar

  • Method: register
  • Type: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/register


IMPORTANT: to register a person to a series of webinars, you must only request the registration once through the first schedule. The API will auto-register that person to all the following schedules within the series.


The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

Name Value
api_key* string(64)
webinar_id* {+} integer
first_name* string
last_name** string, optional
email* string
schedule* {+} int
ip_address string, optional
phone_country_code** string, optional, with “+”
phone** string, optional, only numbers

* Required fields
** This field might be required depending on the configured settings for each webinar
{+} webinar_id and schedule must be obtained from a previous API call to retrieve the details of whatever specific webinar you want to register the person to. Also, please note that one particular schedule ID might refer to an entire series of webinars, and thus all individual webinar sessions within the same series will have the same schedule ID. In order to pin-point the specific individual session within a series, refer to the DATE parameter.


The response body will be a JSON object containing a user object with the following:

Name Value Description
webinar_id integer Webinar ID
webinar_hash string Webinar Hash
user_id int Attendee Internal ID
first_name string Attendee First Name
last_name* string Attendee Last Name
phone_country_code* string Attendee Phone Country Code
phone* string Attendee Phone Number
email string Attendee Email
password* string Attendee unique password to the room
schedule int Attendee Schedule
date string Webinar date and time
timezone string Webinar timezone
live_room_url {+} string Live Room URL
replay_room_url {+} string Replay Room URL
thank_you_url {+} string Registration Success URL

{+} live_room_url, replay_room_url and thank_you_url are unique to each attendee
* These fields will be returned only if they are enabled within that particular webinar configuration settings


Example CURL request:

curl --data "api_key=demokey&webinar_id=5&first_name=FirstName&last_name=LastName&[email protected]&phone_country_code=+1&phone=1234567890&schedule=34" https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/webinar


Example return:

    "status": "success",
    "user": {
        "webinar_id": 5,
        "webinar_hash": "pqrs7890",
        "user_id": 1234567,
        "first_name": "FirstName",
        "last_name": "LastName",
        "phone_country_code": "+1",
        "phone": "1234567890",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": null,
        "schedule": 34,
        "date": "2024-01-05 13:00",
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "live_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/live/5/ab1cd2ef3",
        "replay_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/replay/5/ab1cd2ef3",
        "thank_you_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/registration/thank-you/5/ab1cd2ef3gh4"

Register a person to a specific webinar

  • Method: register
  • Type: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/register


The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

Name Value
api_key* string(64)
webinar_id* {+} integer
first_name* string
last_name*** string, optional
email* string
schedule* {+} int
ip_address string, optional
phone_country_code*** string, optional, with “+”
phone*** string, optional, only numbers
timezone {-} Examples: GMT-5 or GMT+2 or GMT+4:30
date **** 2025-01-01 09:00

* Required fields
** Required if your webinar timezone is set to “Auto-detect the user’s time zone”.
*** This field might be required depending on the configured settings for each webinar
{+} The webinar_id and schedule must be obtained from a previous API call to retrieve the details of whatever specific webinar you want to register the person to. Also, please note that one particular schedule ID might refer to an entire series of webinars, and thus all individual webinar sessions within the same series will have the same schedule ID. In order to pin-point the specific individual session within a series, refer to the DATE parameter.
{-} For webinars configured to display the schedule in the attendee’s own time zone, the API will automatically convert the time zone to EST, unless you specify a particular time zone in your API call.
**** Use the DATE parameter to register a person to a specific webinar session date. Make sure it matches a valid date returned by a previous API call, or else the API will not be able to register the user to any event at all. Also, if the call was made using a custom timezone, make sure that the same timezone is passed with the request.


The response body will be a JSON object containing a user object with the following:

Name Value Description
webinar_id int Webinar ID
webinar_hash string Webinar Hash
user_id int Attendee Internal ID
first_name string Attendee Name
last_name* string Attendee Last Name
phone_country_code* string Attendee Phone Country Code
phone* string Attendee Phone Number
email string Attendee Email
password* string Attendee unique password to the room
schedule int Attendee Schedule
date string Webinar date and time
timezone string Webinar timezone
live_room_url {+} string Live Room URL
replay_room_url {+} string Replay Room URL
thank_you_url {+} string Registration Success URL

{+} live_room_url, replay_room_url and thank_you_url are unique to each attendee
* These fields will only be returned if they are enabled within the webinar’s configuration settings


Example CURL request:

curl --data "api_key=demokey&webinar_id=6&first_name=FirstName&last_name=LastName&[email protected]&phone_country_code=+1&phone=1234567890&schedule=55" https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/register


Example return:

    "status": "success",
    "user": {
        "webinar_id": 6,
        "webinar_hash": "uvw1234",
        "user_id": 1234567,
        "first_name": "FirstName",
        "last_name": "LastName",
        "phone_country_code": "+1",
        "phone": "1234567890",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": null,
        "schedule": "55",
        "date": "2024-01-05 12:00",
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "live_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/live/6/ab1cd2ef3",
        "replay_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/replay/6/ab1cd2ef3",
        "thank_you_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/registration/thank-you/6/ab1cd2ef3gh4"

Get details about one particular webinar from your account

  • Method: webinar
  • Type: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/webinar


The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

Name Value
api_key* string(64)
webinar_id* integer
timezone ** GMT-5 or GMT+2 or GMT+4:30

* Required fields
** Required if your webinar timezone is set to “Auto-detect the user’s time zone”.
** For webinars configured to automatically display the schedule in the attendee’s own time zone, the API will automatically convert the time zone to EST if the time zone is not passed to the API call.


The response body will be a JSON object containing a webinar object with the following:

Name Value Parent Description
webinar_id integer Webinar ID
name string Webinar Name (Private)
title string Webinar Title (Public)
webinar_hash **** string Webinar Hash
description string Webinar Descirption
schedules array
date string schedules Date and time of webinar
schedule int schedules Schedule ID
comment string schedules Schedule description
timezone string Webinar timezone
presenters array Presenters
name string presenters Presenter Name
email string presenters Presenter Email
picture string presenters Presenter Image URL
registration_url string Registration URL
registration_type string paid / free
registration_fee int Registration Fee
registration_currency** string Registration Currency
registration_checkout_url** string Registration Checkout URL
registration_post_payment_url** string Registration Post Payment URL
direct_live_room_url*** string Direct URL to the Live room
direct_replay_room_url*** string Direct URL to the Replay room

** This field will be returned only if they are enabled within that particular webinar configuration settings
*** These are generic links to the Live and Replay room, in case you want to send a user directly to those rooms without going through the Registration page
Note: The number of returned schedules will match “Displayed schedules” setting from the EverWebinar schedules configuration for each webinar
**** webinar_hash: this parameter is used in case you want your API to be able to generate the webinar’s one-click registration link.


Example CURL request:

curl --data "api_key=demokey&webinar_id=6" https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/webinar


Example return:

    "status": "success",
    "webinar": {
        "webinar_id": 6,
        "webinar_hash": "uvw1234",
        "name": "Demo6",
        "title": "Demo6",
        "description": "My automated webinar",
        "schedules": [
                "date": "2024-01-04 12:00",
                "schedule": 54,
                "comment": "Instant replay"
                "date": "2024-01-05 12:00",
                "schedule": 55,
                "comment": "Just in time"
                "date": "2024-01-05 13:00",
                "schedule": 56,
                "comment": "Every day, 01:00 PM"
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "presenters": [
                "name": "John Doe",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "picture": "https://test.s3.amazonaws.com/default_user.jpg"
        "registration_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/register/6/uvw1234",
        "registration_type": "free",
        "registration_fee": 0,
        "registration_currency": "",
        "registration_checkout_url": "",
        "registration_post_payment_url": "",
        "direct_live_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/live/6/uvw1234ab12",
        "direct_replay_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/replay/6/uvw1234ab12"

Get details about one particular webinar from your account

  • Method: webinar
  • Type: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/webinar


The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

Name Value
api_key* string(64)
webinar_id* integer

* Required fields


The response body will be a JSON object containing a webinar object with the following:

Name Value Parent Description
webinar_id integer Webinar ID
webinar_hash **** string Webinar Hash
name string Webinar Name (Private)
title string Webinar Title (Public)
description string Webinar Descirption
type string Series of presentations, Single presentation, Always on, Right now
schedules array
date string schedules Date and time of webinar
schedule int schedules Schedule ID
comment string schedules Schedule description
timezone string Webinar timezone
presenters array Presenters
name string presenters Presenter Name
email string presenters Presenter Email
picture string presenters Presenter Image URL
registration_url string Registration URL
registration_type string paid / free
registration_fee int Registration Fee
registration_currency** string Registration Currency
registration_checkout_url** string Registration Checkout URL
registration_post_payment_url** string Registration Post Payment URL
direct_live_room_url*** string Direct URL to the Live room
direct_replay_room_url*** string Direct URL to the Replay room

** This field will be returned only if they are enabled within that particular webinar configuration settings

*** These are generic links to the Live and Replay room, in case you want to send a user directly to those rooms without going through the Registration page

**** webinar_hash: this parameter is used in case you want your API to be able to generate the webinar’s one-click registration link.


Example CURL request:

curl --data "api_key=demokey&webinar_id=5" https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/webinar


Example return:

    "status": "success",
    "webinar": {
        "webinar_id": 5,
        "webinar_hash": "pqrs7890",
        "name": "Demo5",
        "title": "Demo5",
        "description": "Multiple events",
        "type": null,
        "schedules": [
                "date": "2024-01-05 13:00",
                "schedule": 34,
                "comment": "Friday, 5 Jan 2024, 01:00 PM"
                "date": "2024-01-06 14:00",
                "schedule": 46,
                "comment": "Saturday, 6 Jan 2024, 02:00 PM"
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "presenters": [
                "name": "John Doe",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "picture": "https://test.s3.amazonaws.com/default_user.jpg"
        "registration_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/register/5/pqrs7890",
        "registration_type": "free",
        "registration_fee": 0,
        "registration_currency": "",
        "registration_checkout_url": "",
        "registration_post_payment_url": "",
        "direct_live_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/live/5/pqrs7890ab12",
        "direct_replay_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/replay/5/pqrs7890ab12"

Retrieve a full list of all webinars published in your account

  • Method: webinars
  • Type: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/webinars


The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

Name Value
api_key* string(64)

* Required fields


The response body will be a JSON object containing an array of webinars. Each webinar object will contain:

Name Type Description
webinar_id integer Webinar ID
webinar_hash * string Webinar Hash
name string Webinar Name (Private)
title string Webinar Title (Public)
description string Webinar Description
schedules array Empty for right now
timezone string Webinar timezone

* webinar_hash: this parameter is used in case you want your API to be able to generate the webinar’s one-click registration link.


Example CURL request:

curl --data "api_key=demokey" https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/webinars


Example return:

    "status": "success",
    "webinars": [
            "webinar_id": 9,
            "webinar_hash": "tuvw1234",
            "name": "Demo6",
            "title": "Demo6",
            "description": "My automated webinar",
            "schedules": [
                "Instant replay",
                "Just in time",
                "Every day, 01:00 PM",
                "Every Monday, 02:00 PM",
                "Saturday, 6 Jan 2024, 03:00 PM"
            "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"

Retrieve a full list of all webinars published in your account

  • Method: webinars
  • Type: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/webinars


The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

Name Value
api_key * string(64)

* Required fields


The response body will be a JSON object containing an array of webinars. Each webinar object will contain:

Name Type Description
webinar_id integer Webinar ID
webinar_hash * string Webinar Hash
name string Webinar Name (Private)
title string Webinar Title (Public)
description string Webinar Description
type string Series of presentations, Single presentation, Always on, Right now
schedules array Array of schedules
timezone string Webinar timezone

* webinar_hash: this parameter is used in case you want your API to be able to generate the webinar’s one-click registration link.


Example CURL request:

curl --data "api_key=demokey" https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/webinars


Example return:

    "status": "success",
    "webinars": [
            "webinar_id": 4,
            "webinar_hash": "lmno3456",
            "name": "Demo4",
            "title": "Demo4",
            "description": "Right now",
            "type": "Right Now",
            "schedules": [
                "Right now"
            "timezone": "America/New_York"
            "webinar_id": 3,
            "webinar_hash": "hijk9012",
            "name": "Demo3",
            "title": "Demo3",
            "description": "My always on webinar",
            "type": "Always on",
            "schedules": [
                "Always on"
            "timezone": "America/New_York"
            "webinar_id": 2,
            "webinar_hash": "defg5678",
            "name": "Demo2",
            "title": "Demo2",
            "description": "Description of webinar",
            "type": "Single presentation",
            "schedules": [
                "Friday, 5 Jan 2024, 01:00 PM"
            "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
            "webinar_id": 1,
            "webinar_hash": "abcd1234",
            "name": "Demo1",
            "title": "Demo1",
            "description": "A series of events",
            "type": "Series of presentations",
            "schedules": [
                "Every day, 01:00 PM",
                "Every Tuesday, 02:00 PM"
            "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"

Connecting to WebinarJam API

Welcome to the WebinarJam API!

In order to integrate with our API, you will first need to apply for approval in your Profile section.  In the below screenshot please fill out the following information:

  1.  The URL of your app.  This will be either the URL of the software you’re writing to use our API, or the URL of a third-party app that uses our API, like Zapier.
  2.  A description of what your app will do with the WebinarJam API.
  3.  Whether or not your app will subscribe users to your webinars.
  4.  Any notes pertaining to your app.  This can include login credentials to a demo account or any other information that may be useful.

You should receive a response within 48 hours from submission.  After that, view the rest of this article to integrate with our API.

Please take note of the few bullet points below before digging into the actual technical articles:

  • Our API endpoint URL is https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam
  • You’re required to connect to our server from a SSL secure connection. Non SSL connections will be dropped.

Your API Key can be found in your main webinar dashboard, by clicking on the Advanced link for any of your webinars. You don’t need a new API Key for each webinar, since the Key is global for your entire account.

For users subject to GDPR requirements (mostly European users), and since our API can potentially subscribe users to your webinars without their manual input, it’s your responsibility to make sure that…

  • They have granted you permission to handle their personal data.
  • They have agreed to be subscribed to your webinars.
  • They have granted you permission to communicate with them in the future.


Finally, it’s important to note that our API system has a hardcoded limit of 20 API calls per second per user. That means that your script should not send more than 20 API calls per second to our API endpoint. If that limit is exceeded, the system will return a “Too many requests” error message (429 error), upon which you should wait 1 second and re-try the instruction again.

We strongly recommend you to implement in your scripts a queue system that throttles your outbound API calls to a maximum rate of 20 calls per second. That way, if your script goes through a burst of activity, it will pro-actively queue up the outbound calls and process them in a first-in-first-out sequential order, so they never go beyond the limit. It’s better to hold them back for a second or two than to get them error’ed out!

Connecting to EverWebinar API

Welcome to the EverWebinar API!

In order to integrate with our API, you will first need to apply for approval in your Profile section.  In the below screenshot please fill out the following information:

  1.  The URL of your app.  This will be either the URL of the software you’re writing to use our API, or the URL of a third-party app that uses our API, like Zapier.
  2.  A description of what your app will do with the WebinarJam API.
  3.  Whether or not your app will subscribe users to your webinars.
  4.  Any notes pertaining to your app.  This can include login credentials to a demo account or any other information that may be useful.

You should receive a response within 48 hours from submission.  After that, view the rest of this article to integrate with our API.

Please take note of the few bullet points below before digging into the actual technical articles:

  • Our API endpoint URL is https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar
  • You’re required to connect to our server from a SSL secure connection. Non SSL connections will be dropped.

Your API Key can be found in your main webinar dashboard, by clicking on the Advanced link for any of your webinars. You don’t need a new API Key for each webinar, since the Key is global for your entire account.

For users subject to GDPR requirements (mostly European users), and since our API can potentially subscribe users to your webinars without their manual input, it’s your responsibility to make sure that…

  • They have granted you permission to handle their personal data.
  • They have agreed to be subscribed to your webinars.
  • They have granted you permission to communicate with them in the future.


Finally, it’s important to note that our API system has a hardcoded limit of 20 API calls per second per user. That means that your script should not send more than 20 API calls per second to our API endpoint. If that limit is exceeded, the system will return a “Too many requests” error message (429 error), upon which you should wait 1 second and re-try the instruction again.

We strongly recommend you to implement in your scripts a queue system that throttles your outbound API calls to a maximum rate of 20 calls per second. That way, if your script goes through a burst of activity, it will pro-actively queue up the outbound calls and process them in a first-in-first-out sequential order, so they never go beyond the limit. It’s better to hold them back for a second or two than to get them error’ed out!

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