WebinarJam and EverWebinar User Documentation Webinars for everyone!

Live: Slide Presentations

This article is for WebinarJam only.

Add a slide presentation to your webinar during the configuration process. During the live broadcast, the presentation is available in the live room menu to broadcast to your attendees with the click of a button.

Upload a slide presentation

Upload a slide presentation

Upload a presentation from your local computer:

  1. In the webinar setup, go to Live > Slide presentations
  2. Click Add new presentation
  3. Enter a display name for the file
  4. Click Upload the file to locate and add the presentation file
    • Accepted file formats: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX), Apple KeyNote (KEY), and PDF.

Important: Google Slide links or other cloud-based presentations cannot be added.

Uploading and encoding for your presentation can take up to 5 minutes to complete.

Benefits of uploading a presentation

You can use the screen share function to present the slides from your local the computer. However, uploading the presentation to the WebinarJam cloud server is recommended for two reasons:

  • Pre-loaded presentations are delivered by the WebinarJam servers instead of your local internet service. As a result, the image quality on pre-loaded slides is generally better, resulting in a smoother experience for your attendees.
  • Presentations uploaded to the live room can be shown using custom animations and transitions.

Optimize presentation files

Smaller files load faster and more reliably for attendees so everyone can see your content smoothly, regardless of their internet connection speed.

The maximum file size for an uploaded presentation is 80MB. If your file is over 80MB, the resolution of the images inside the slides may be too high, or there may be media injections (such as video) that should be removed.

Optimization and troubleshooting tips:

  • Always save images and slides at a maximum resolution of 720p to optimize them for live-streaming
  • Split the presentation in two if it’s too large to upload
  • If you have trouble uploading a PowerPoint or Keynote file:
    • Look for video or audio media in the presentation that can be removed
    • Export the presentation to a PDF with each slide on a separate page. Optimize the PDF to create a smaller file.

Learn more about using slide presentations in the Live Room

EverWebinar Chat CSV formatting

This article is for EverWebinar.

Upload a CSV file to quickly add many lines of chat messages to an EverWebinar event.

In the webinar configuration wizard:

  1. Go to the Live step
  2. Open the Live chat box module and click Enable live chat
  3. Configure the chat options to create the ideal attendee experience
  4. At the bottom of the module, click Import from CSV to upload a file with multiple chat lines
    • Alternatively, enter chat lines one at a time using the fields in the setup wizard
Pro tip: Download the chat file from a WebinarJam live event and upload it. The WebinarJam CSV is correctly formatted for import into EverWebinar.

CSV Formatting

Resource: Download a CSV Chat Template

CSV file must contain only 7 columns containing chat message values. Each row in the CSV file represents a new chat message.

  • Hour: Number between 00 and 07
  • Minute: Number between 00 and 59
  • Second: Number between 00 and 59
  • Name: Name of the person
  • Role: Admin or Attendee
  • Message: The actual chat comment
  • Mode:
    • If role is Attendee: Chat, Question, or Answer
    • If role is Admin: Chat, Question, Answer, Highlighted, or Tip

Example of the correct format:

When the spreadsheet is complete, export or save it as a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding before uploading to EverWebinar.

Maximum Chat Lines

The maximum number of pre-loaded chat lines is 5,000, or 1 MB for a CSV file upload. This limit ensures a good experience for attendees by preventing high demands on the webinar room to load the chat.

In a custom chat file, do not exceed 5,000 lines or 1 MB in file size.

If WebinarJam live is used as the source file for the EverWebinar, the system will not auto-import a chat file that exceeds 5,000 lines. You will see an error message informing you that the chat was not imported.

To resolve this and get a usable chat file:

  • Go back to WebinarJam and download the chat history for the live webinar you imported.
  • Open the downloaded CSV file and manually delete chat lines until there are less than 5,000 lines. Save the file and confirm that it’s under 1 MB (delete more lines if needed).
  • Go back to EverWebinar and the Live step of the wizard. Upload the new CSV file as described in this article.
Pro tip: If you activate the “Save real comments” option, real chat lines will be added to the EverWebinar session until it reaches the limit of 5,000 lines of chat. Any additional lines will be ignored.

Active registrants

This article applies to both WebinarJam and EverWebinar.

Go to Registrants to see all active registrants for your webinars

All active registrants list

Use the drop-down menus to select a Webinar, Session, and Event.

A table appears with a list of all registrants that match the chosen filter. Some fields may be blank.

Registrant data includes:

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email Address
  • IP Address
  • UTM source, medium, campaign, term, and content (if passed by a URL during registration)
  • Webinar details
    • Event name, session type, date, and registration date
  • Live attendance details
    • Date attended, when they entered, and how long they stayed
    • Whether they purchased from the live room and how revenue was gained
  • Replay attendance details
    • Date attended, when they entered, and how long they stayed
    • Whether they purchased from the replay room and how revenue was gained
  • GDPR communication status

Manage registrants

Filter table of all registrants by behavior

Filter the registrants by behavior or use the Action icons to edit or remove registrants.

  • Edit registrants to correct typos or other requested changes

Export registrants

  1. Filter the registrant results to show the event and behavior you want to download (Optional)
  2. Click Export in the upper right corner of the screen

Export webinar registrant information

In the pop-up window, select data to export:

  • Export the currently selected filters (export the filtered list of registrants currently shown)
  • Export all registrants (select a webinar and export all registrants to that webinar)
  • Export all attendees (select a webinar and export all attendees to that webinar)
  • Export all buyers (select a webinar and export every registrant who made a purchase, either in the live or replay room)

Choose data group to export

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